Energy Healing

Energy Healing

As energetic beings we are deeply impacted by the different types of energies that interact with us, and flow through us, each and every day. Not only should we be clearing energy out of our body on a regular basis but we can also have energy channeled through us which can help us to heal in a variety of different ways. During an energy healing session, and with the help of your spirit allies, we clear out unwanted energies from your body, we remove energetic blockages and we bring in healings. These healings include channeled energy that serve your highest good, and wisdom and insights that your allies share with me to pass along to you. Homework is often given in order to solidify the new energy that is now in your body.

These sessions are a powerful way to add new levels of healing into your life. If you are interested in trying out a session you can book online HERE. If you want to learn more you can reach out to me at 206.488.2553 or sign up for a free 30 minute consult HERE.